Airbrush Tanning
*We are currently not offering Air brush tanning, If you have any questions about this, please email us.
*Plus applicable taxes, prices are subject to change without notice*
- Shower and exfoliate face and body (minimum 6 hours before)
- Make sure your hair removal is done at least 24 hours prior to your tan
- Do not use oil based exfoliates or lotions, they will leave a residue between your skin and the tanning solution and the solution will not take
- For best results use a loofah glove or dry brush on your skin
- Wear dark loose clothing after being tanned if possible
- There is little to no rub off of bronzer inside your clothing, however, we recommend that you still do not wear white to your session
*** It is important to follow these guidelines as we will not be responsible if the application does not take if these steps are not followed ***
- Rinse 6-8 hours after your tan (or for darker results rinse 12 hours after your tan)
- Try not to sweat for the first 6-8 hours after your tan
- Pat yourself dry, do not rub dry with your towel
- Apply moisturizer or coconut oil daily - this will help the tan last longer (products must be alcohol free)
- Avoid hair removal for 24 hours
- Avoid baths/ hot tubs (especially with Epsom salts)
- For best results, try to avoid scented body washes and/or bars of soap